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Gamification is an assessment aimed at increasing candidate participation by making the process more fun and engaging with games and game-like items.

Quick Facts
  • Aptitude test in 3 dimensions
  • Highly suitable for the rising generation
  • An enjoyable and entertaining process
  • Brand value
  • Easy-to-use interface

What Is Gamified Aptitude Test?

Gamified Aptitude Test measures various skills of candidates such as numerical, verbal, abstract reasoning with a game methodology. Recruiters have the opportunity to obtain more data about candidates in a short time with the gamified aptitude tests.

Gamified Aptitude Test is an innovative and attractive way to reach a wider audience of candidates and unearth top talents.

What Are the Advantages of Online Gamified Aptitude Test?

Gamified Aptitude Test collects more data in a short time and provides a more practical and enjoyable recruitment process for both candidates and recruiters. Long and tiring recruitment processes that create a loss of motivation become more fun and easier with gamified aptitude test. The test also enables candidates who are semi-experienced to express themselves better in the recruitment process. Gamified Aptitude Test, which also supports digital transformation, makes it possible to carry out recruitment processes online and attended.

What Are the Advantages of Online Gamified Aptitude Test?
Why Use Gamified Aptitude Test in Assessment Processes?

Why Use Gamified Aptitude Test in Assessment Processes?

Gamified recruitment processes, which are found interesting and creative by candidates, directly provide a positive effect on brand value. Gamified Aptitude Test, in which innovative and desired data can be obtained, is an ideal test for both generation Y and Z because the test allows measuring skills in a realistic way while minimizing the stress factor.

Gamified Aptitude Test has a bright future in the recruitment aspect of business operations. You can demystify the gamified ways of recruitment by directing candidates Talentate Gamified Aptitude Test for collecting data on their qualifications and aptitude skills.

Why Talentate

What Is Talentate Gamified Aptitude Test?

Talentate Gamified Aptitude Test is a recruitment tool designed to make candidate experiences more enjoyable by bringing the classic aptitude test to the competition environment. The numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning skills of the candidates within the game setup are measured with the questions of different difficulties in the aforesaid categories.

With Talentate Aptitude Test, candidates have 3 different jokers while solving their questions. These are “Change the Question, Use Additional Time, Eliminate the Wrong Option”. It is also possible to customize the time given to the questions in the test.

Why Talentate
Why Use
Suitable for the digital age

The gamified aptitude test, which differs from traditional aptitude tests with its structural aspect, adapts both the generation Y, which is at the center of business life, and the generation Z, who will take a new step into business life, making the recruitment processes faster and creates higher motivation.

Enjoyable and Entertaining Processes

The process becomes fun, both in terms of its visuals and format.

Why Use
Why Use sol
Time Management Competency

Giving a certain amount of time for each question helps to obtain information about the time management competencies of the candidates.

Less Stress

The gamified recruitment process helps candidates to keep their stress under control.

Brand Value

The tools that the digital age brings to the sector increase the brand value of companies.


How to Use?
Assignment Step Candidates' information is entered into the system as name-surname, e-mail and/or telephone. Candidate entries can be loaded in bulk into the system with an Excel file quickly. At this stage, candidates can be assigned to a position in the system if desired.
Testing Step Candidates read and approve the contracts of companies regarding personal data just before starting the process. Then they see the intro screens about the test and complete it within the given time. Candidates can ask their questions through live support during the test.
Assessment Step The results of the test are reported on the admin panel and the recruiter can monitor them instantly.
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