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Survey Module

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Surveys are benefit-purposes and insight-targeted questions where you can get unbiased views of candidates or employees and measure their satisfaction.

Quick Facts
  • 10 different field types
  • Tracking with conclusion form
  • Customizable report
  • Option to support with images
  • Ease of use with sample texts

What Is Survey Module?

Survey module is a list of questions prepared by companies to determine the thoughts and suggestions of candidates/employees on certain issues. With the survey module, which can be used both as a recruitment tool and as an in-house data collection tool, it is possible to foresee the risks that may occur and minimize them.

What Are the Advantages of Survey Module in Assessment Processes?

Since a large amount of data on a subject can be accessed with the survey module, these data are extremely useful for companies to create strategies. By designing surveys such as job applicant survey, recruitment satisfaction survey, trial period survey, exit survey, processes can be made systematic and insight is created for the company on the subject.

What Are the Advantages of Survey Module in Assessment Processes?
Why Talentate

What is Talentate Survey Module?

Talentate Survey Module provides the opportunity to prepare questions with 10 different field types and direct them to candidates online. With this module, questions can be created by adding fields such as single line text, multi-line text, yes/no, checkbox, single selection, multiple selection, date, numerical, separating line, and file upload. In addition, there are options such as adding visuals to questions, adding conditions to questions, and adding a conclusion form to the survey.

With the help of Talentate Survey Module, you can determine methods by evaluating instant changes and what the conjuncture brings with your employees, and you can take your actions accordingly.

Why Talentate
Why Use
Filtering Tool in Job Applications

Asking candidates about a critical issue required by an open position at the survey stage helps to continue the process with candidates who have that qualification.

Measuring the Efficiency of the Recruitment Process

With recruitment satisfaction surveys, it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of recruitment processes and improvements can be made accordingly.

Why Use
Why Use sol
Identifying In-house Needs and Satisfaction Situations

It is possible to determine HR policies in line with the results by following the needs and satisfaction status of the employees with periodic surveys.

Creating Strategies to Increase Work Engagement with Exit Surveys

Strategies can be created to increase work engagement and reduce turnover, in line with the results obtained in systematically designed exit surveys.


How to Use?
Complete Your Assessment in 3 Steps!
Assignment Step Candidates' information is entered into the system as name-surname, e-mail and/or telephone. Candidate entries can be loaded in bulk into the system with an Excel file quickly. At this stage, candidates can be assigned to a position in the system if desired.
Testing Step Candidates read and approve the contracts of companies regarding personal data just before starting the process. Then they see the intro screens about the tool and complete it. Candidates can ask their questions through live support during the process.
Assessment Step The results are reported on the admin panel and the recruiter can monitor them instantly.

Why is Survey used, what are the advantages?

The survey module can be used both as a filtering tool in recruitment processes and as a data collection tool in internal processes. It can be applied to large audiences in a short time, does not require much time, and a general statistic is created.

What types of questions can be created with the Talentate Survey Module?

It is possible to create all questions in single line text, multi-line text, yes/no, checkbox, single selection, multiple selection, date, numerical, separating line, and file upload field type.

Can the results of an assigned survey be viewed on a single screen?

Yes, it is possible to view the results of a survey on a single screen with the detailed report screen. The report can be printed from this screen and can be customized.

Is it possible to add visuals to questions?

Yes, any visual can be added to questions of any field type.
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